If you have completed your final semester before clearing the prior semesters then your mark-sheet will be held in reserve by the university. Many students don't realize that their mark-sheet is held in reserve and hence don't take any actions regarding the same. Also, the university does not notify the students if their mark-sheet is held in reserve. So I came up with yet another article to help students who are facing this issue. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get your mark-sheet when it is held in reserve by Mumbai University: The results are announced Your results will be declared but instead of PASSED, the result will have a RLE status. It means that your result is held in reserve and to retrieve that you will have to clear your prior semester exams. Once you clear all the exams, you can go to the next step... Apply for declaration of result from your college You will have to produce all your prior semester results before a college authority (in-char...
Few tips and tricks to survive in Mumbai University. This is a blog written by a Mumbai University student who shares his experience through this blog.